If you have a bike, it is important to change the oil in it before storing it for winter. Doing so will prevent the by-products from gumming up and ruining your carburetors. If you skip this step while winterizing your bike, you may damage your bike permanently.
Please remember that it is very important to dispose of your bike oil in the proper way. Check with local auto parts stores to find out if your state allows for you to bring in the old oil to be recycled.
First, check out your bike's owners manual and fill your oil tank with the proper amount. because you will more than likely be ridding yourself of this oil early on next year, you do not have to buy the most expensive oil. The cheapest oil you can use for your bike works fine.
Once you have changed your oil, you can move the bike to a well ventilated area. Make sure that your engine is still warm and start running it. This will run the new oil through your bike's system and get rid of all of the old, used oil as well. You only need to run the bike for a couple of minutes, and you can stop it. Then put your bike into it's storage facility. Make sure not to run your engine after it has cooled, as this will only serve to form moisture within the bike's engine.
Changing the oil in your bike before winter is one of the most important aspects of winterizing your bike, so do not skip it just to save time and money. By skipping this step, you may end up wasting a lot more money in the long run, trying to fix your bike so that it will run up to snuff again.