When you are a motorcyclist, it is always important that you think of riding safety in adverse weather. Particularly with wet or icy road conditions, riders need the proper information and tips to help avoid possible accidents for their safety as well as other people who are on the road. Having the proper safety knowledge could mean the difference between life and death.
If you keep some very basic yet important steps in mind when you are riding, you are one step closer to staying as safe as possible. It is always best to avoid slippery spots if you can, and remember to reduce your speed if wet or slippery spots are unavoidable. Reducing your speed around corners is also another good tip because it is obviously a bit harder to stop on those surfaces especially when you are rounding a curve.
In the event that you do come upon a slippery surface, you want to remember that it is best to use both brakes. Clutching the brake lever in a gradual can avoid a dangerous lockup of your front wheel. If you are moving along at a fairly low speed, you could also try letting your feet skim the road a bit to help keep you from falling.
You also want to try and remember that when you are riding to pay attention for any oil spots that may have accumulated in the center of the lane from cars and trucks. It is always smart to try and ride a bit to either side to avoid such spots as these in the road. If you follow some of these steps and tips, you are on your way to riding safe through adverse conditions.