Rule number one anytime you upgrade your child to a bigger dirt bike: Don't assume they can ride it as easily as their old dirt bike. Even if your child has developed excellent skills on their smaller dirt bike, they'll still need time to adjust to the greater weight and different feel of the bigger dirt bike. While your child may be sure they can handle it, it's up to you as a parent to make sure your child is prepared for the switch. With that in mind let's share some tips that will make the transition to a bigger dirt bike a little safer and easier.
* Before you allow your child to ride their bigger dirt bike, you should first have them spend time just sitting on it so they learn where all the controls are. This way your child can find them easily even if they become scared by the power of the bigger motor.
* Before taking a bigger dirt bike for a ride, make sure your child's pant legs won't get hooked on the foot pegs, leading to a possibly spill.
* Find a big empty parking lot for your first practice with the bigger dirt bike.
* Sooner or later everybody drops their dirt bike, so it's best to practice dropping the bigger dirt bike from a stand still in a grassy area so your child can learn how to not get trapped under it. Instruct your child to keep one foot on the high peg and step away from the dirt bike with the other leg.
While these tips can help make your child's upgrade to a bigger dirt bike a little safer, the most important thing to remember is not to rush it. Make sure your child feels completely comfortable before taking their big new dirt bike out on the track.