While inadequate tire pressure probably leads to most tire wear on a motorcycle, there are other contributing factors. Some things even cause your front tire to wear more on one side than the other. Let's take a look.
* Wheel alignment may be a factor. Performing routine wheel maintenance on your motorcycle can head off some wearing before it happens.
* Loading heavily only one saddle bag causes uneven wear. Be sure to distribute loads evenly between saddle bags on both sides of your motorcycle.
* Roads are usually graded higher in the center than at the curb, so the side of your tire closest to the middle of the road wears a little faster. This is basically unavoidable, but really has it's main affect on longer road trips when you spend a good deal of the time riding your motorcycle in one direction.
* A weak front shock on one side can cause uneven front tire wear. Check your shocks periodically and replace as needed.
* Using your front brake excessively contributes to front tire wear.
* If your TRAC isn't set equally, it will automatically cause tire wear.Check it to be sure.
* A quick over-acceleration causes your motorcycle tires to scuff on the pavement. While your rear wheel scuffs during accelerating and braking, your front tire only scuffs when you brake, leading to uneven wear.
As you can see, there are numerous factors that contribute to motorcycle wheel wear, some affecting both wheels, others having a greater affect on the front wheel. However, with some forethought and a proper maintenance routine, you can keep wheel wear down to a minimum.