Dirt bikes don't work too well without wheels. That's why it's so important to perform routine maintenance on your dirt bike wheels to keep them in perfect working order. Without this regular maintenance, there's just no way you can really keep control of your bike at all times.
Spokes provide the structural integrity for your dirt bike wheels. By adjusting the spokes you can help your wheels spin true again. If your dirt bike wheel tends to wobble from side to side, you can correct it by loosening the spokes on the side where the rim looks more away from the center, and then tighten the spokes that look like they are pushing too much toward the center of the wheel. This way you can even out the centerline and your dirt bike wheels will be true again.
Spoke adjustment can also eliminate flat spots in your wheels. You can loosen the spokes right at the flat spot and tighten the spokes just on either side of it. Use your judgment as to just how many spokes ought to be adjusted according to how large the flat spot is. However, if your rim is dented, no adjusting of the spokes is going to help and the rim will need to be replaced.
Ever seen a clown car at the circus with one square wheel? Dirt bike wheels that need trueing of the wheels (adjustment) will give you that same wobbly feeling. A little maintenance that is done on a regular basis will give your wheels longer wear and give you a much safer ride.