You bet! Alaska isn't just ice and snow and has some wonderful places to 4-wheel. There is also a 4-wheeler club you should look up if you're considering riding in the State of Alaska. The Alaska ATV Club promotes the wonderful sport of 4-wheeler riding through three main areas:
Rider Education
By providing classes in 4-wheeler safety issues, the Alaska ATV Club has developed a responsible group of fun loving 4-wheeler riders who are willing and able to pass on their knowledge and experience to new 4-wheeler enthusiasts. This 4-wheeler club also strives to keep their members informed about current Alaskan laws and any proposed changes that would affect 4-wheeler riding in the state.
Trail Work
Alaska ATV Club knows the value of maintaining the awesome 4-wheeler trails throughout this beautiful state, and participates in clean up days to keep the trails in optimum condition for all 4-wheeler enthusiasts. This includes teaming up with other 4-wheeler clubs to achieve the common goal of keeping Alaska's 4-wheeler trails open and accessible.
4-Wheeler Riding
Of course, this is the main goal of the club, to organize safe and fun rides throughout Alaska's many 4-wheeler trails, in order to bring together 4-wheeler enthusiasts who prefer to enjoy the sport in a like manner, without the extreme riding style that other 4-wheeler clubs may prefer.
The Alaska ATV Club accepts members 18 years of age and older. Single memberships are $20 and family memberships are $25. All 4-wheeler club memberships are subject to club approval.If you are serious about riding your 4-wheeler in a safe and responsible manner, the Alaska ATV Club wants to welcome you as a new member.
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