If you own a 4-wheeler in Minnesota, you're very lucky. In the wintertime you may feel like you need a snowmobile more than a 4-wheeler, but once those winter snows melt and you're left with the lush terrain to ride your 4-wheeler on in the Spring through the Fall, you will forget all about snowmobiles.
The rules and regulations for owning a 4-wheeler in Minnesota are not too extensive. Your 4-wheeler must be registered through the Bureau of Motor Vehicles and you will be given a sticker that must be prominently displayed at all times on your 4-wheeler when you are riding. The minimum age for riding a 4-wheeler for a child is 12-years of age as well as all 4-wheeler riders from the ages of 12-16 years of age must have a licensed and registered adult along for the ride who is also riding a 4-wheeler. Additionally, you must be wearing a DOT approved helmet and eye protection at all times when 4-wheeling in MN.
Minnesota's National Forests, Chippewa and Superior, had suffered a lot of damage from a certain number of 4-wheeler riders who were not following the good ideas put forth by Treadlightly and a lot of damage occurred on the trail systems. Minnesota made some changes to their OHV regulations for riding on these lands in November 2005, that designated very specific trail areas for 4-wheeler riding and only those areas may be traveled upon by OHVs. Be sure to get a map of the current trail systems at the Ranger's station as 4-wheeler trails are closed frequently to allow different areas of vegetation to reclaim itself.
Minnesota offers up many months of good 4-wheeler riding weather, now that you know the proper rules and regs - load up your 4-wheeler and go riding with your favorite group of friends.