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Customer Submitted Pictures
I just wanted to thank the staff at Raceway ATV for making my grandson's 4th birthday his best one ever. Wheels, battery, check the oil level and a few adjustments and we were off to the races. The little Meerkat 90 runs like a Lexus. But the best part is no more swapping batteries out of the PowerWheels! He rides until he's tired now!
John and the Raceway Crew,
My son received his Mini Utility 100 and has fallen in love with it. He now
rides a utility around just like Daddy and I can't keep him off of it. You
guys have been great to me and all of your customers and I look forwards to
many more purchases from you guys in the time to come. Here's a pic of him
riding it and the Ute sitting beside his Daddy's. Keep up the great
customer service and selling quality products.
Andy and Darion Weigle (godIlove2ride)
Just wanted to let you know I received the ATV today back from service. Everything was very good, I have bought more expensive stuff from local dealers and have not received the service you provided. Thank - you for replacing the battery and the cracked plastic, both of which I did not expect. I am sure you will be hearing form me again when she out grows this one and her brother is riding it. Although it is a little cold to ride it outside I let her sit on it in the den, I had to pry her off it for bed. Thanks again.
Phil Roberts
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